i did it :) finished my #FastenOffYAL project, the first non-sock knitting for me to wear. those were lots of threads to weave in…
thoughts about #blocking
- i need sth else to put it on, this is a towel on the dining table, hints?
- should i have done this before doing the buttons?
- why do sweaters look so funny when flat?
- i read i can speed up with a fan, is this a good idea?
- has anyone ever been able to take a good picture of this? :)
@janananena is this your first garment? It looks marvellous!
I use those interlocking foam mats. Or the rug in the living room if they’re too small. Or the guest bed. Basically whatever has the least stuff piled on it already.
i see those mats a lot, guess the puzzle form makes it easy to be put away and bring it in garment form?
actually i have done two pullovers before, one went to my nephew when he was about 2yo as i shrunk it when washing (mom did another thing of the same wool without this, no idea what happened but he looked super cute), i got reminded of the other one on xmas (mom did i knit your sweater? - uhm, YES!)
AND i did a dress when i moved to hamburg because it was a bucket list thing
@venite now i also found images of the sweater before shrinking it to kids size
@venite and here is a pic of the small sweater (it’s the only one not fully showing my nephew, thanks for hiding your face)
@janananena that’s some amazing shrinkage! Thank you for sharing your makes, I love looking at them :)